(Part 3 of 3 in a Series: Life of Miracles)
OSU Hospital’s Pinwheel Field for Organ Donations
If you’ve read the first two parts in this series, Life of Miracles: (Unlikely Heroes and then, When Hope Seeks You Out), you know about one of our sons’ long, life altering journey.
Austin’s double lung and heart transplant has impacted our family and so many more. For instance, The Ohio State University Hospital and their heart and lung teams as of 2020 can say they have successfully performed a double lung and heart transplant.
Through many ups and downs, through countless hours, and with countless team members, they successfully completed the 10-hour transplant surgery. Then navigated and traversed the long and winding road that recovery became and overcame the hurdles and frustrations, as something new would cause concern and cause them to rethink or rework their methods.
Doctors who treated Austin for almost his entire life, pediatrician, cardiologists, pulmonologists, and their teams and more who tried to help Austin at the onset of open-heart surgery as a baby, to the rise of his hyper-tension, and congestive heart failure as a young teenager into adulthood – all saw the before and after results of his surgery. Amazed at his progress, astounded at how well Austin is doing.
His wife Larisa was deeply impacted. She developed perseverance and learned to be Austin’s biggest advocate, finding her own voice in the process. The depth of her devotion, and the strength of going through the struggles of the unknown and having to lean on others for prayer and support, while trying to deal with those things that are out of her control, has forever changed her. Larisa has become more confident, more trusting in the Lord, and a wonderful mother to their new young son.
As Austin’s parents we were also impacted. We learned to rely deeply on the Lord, and have learned first-hand that God’s promises are true, that he is faithful even when what we see is not what we expected.
We got to see Austin’s journey come full circle and are getting to see the redemption of his childhood in our new grandson. Their son will not know like Austin did the constant doctors’ appointments, multiple surgeries, or the limitations on his lifestyle.
His parents will not have to worry or be anxious about any chronic conditions. What a blessing! The biggest impact is undoubtedly in Austin himself, and how he is giving what he was given.
Austin has new life because of the new lungs and heart given by Jason’s family in a decision to follow the Lord’s prompting. They have got to hear their son’s heartbeat go on in Austin and receive comfort in knowing what a great gift Jason’s life was even after life on earth.
What Austin gives now to everyone he encounters is hope in Jesus. Life in Jesus, how total, unwavering trust in the King of Kings yields the unimaginable and once unattainable dreams in today and tomorrow.
Austin is the one of the hardest working young men you will ever know. He gives counsel that points everyone to the goodness of Jesus, and the loving hand of the Father. He stretches beyond himself to pour out everything he is given. He strives to keep his intimacy with the Lord, love his wife well, and is a doting new dad. Austin knows he is not perfect and keeps his sly quirky comments and smile alive and well much to our chagrin!
Austin works as one of the pastors at Cypress Church in Grove City, OH. He leads small groups; he extends himself well beyond his duties. He comes alongside many, to encourage them and always points them back to Jesus. Giving and sowing into the lives of others.
Austin recently had the privilege of leading a man in hospice, and well into his years to the Lord before he passed. What joy for that family here on earth and in heaven!
Jason’s sister said the Lord wanted them to release Jason so that he could save others. It’s clear now that the “saving” he meant was not just physical, but soul saving! Jason’s family gave in to the Lord and trusted him.
Now, Austin is giving back, sowing back into the Kingdom of God what God placed in Austin. Every new breath, every new heartbeat into lives for eternity!
Giving what was given to him.